Yippee-De-Do-Dah Yippee-De-Day
My oh my what a wonderful day (not)!
No bloggers, my weekend wasn't brill, it wasn't boring, instead it was filled with a wonderful Migraine and a lovely Wisdom Tooth!!!
Saturday started really well, I went to town (Birmingham) with Gareth (my brother) and my mum so I could get my new ski gear. Ah yes, I am a skier, I go every year at easter with my brother and my dad. We usually get a group of us going and this year should be good 'cos there's about 10 of us going *gives the thumbs up*. Anyway so I went shopping, now for those of you who don't ski won't know that ski gear can be really expensive, I mean you can pay (like my dad's mate Steve) hundreds and thousands of pounds on just a jacket! But no, I got my jacket, trousers (saloplettes) and gloves for £50 (top bargain).
My brother saw a jacket he liked but he could get the same one cheaper on the internet, so that's what he did (which was delivered yesterday!)
So after town, we came home where we were greeted by Kieron, he brought his Xbox so Gareth could have. That was about it really until Gareth had to go to work (he works at our local legion part time, but he's a teaching assistant full-time) so me and Kieron were invited out to have a drink with one of Kieron's mates but he couldn't make it after-all so we stayed in.
Sunday I woke up, with my Wisdom tooth trying to come through it was catching my gums so it was very sore! Nan & Grandad came up for Sunday dinner as it was Mothers Day (I hope you all didn't forget!) I bought mum some Lacoste Perfume and Gareth bought her The Beatles White Album on CD. Later that afternoon, my head felt a bit funny and on started my Migraine, it started slowly but when I was at my Dads for Mothers Day dinner #2 it got worse.
So then Monday I didn't feel well enough to go to work so I had a day-off to try and get rid of it, I was in work yesterday and just felt a bit dizzy but finally (thank god) i am my 100% self again (yay)
Im going round Kieron's tonight, where i shall indulge in a Cadbury's Mini egg McFlurry from Maccy D's (try one - they're yummy!) and that's about it. So i will leave you my fellow bloggers.
Laters x
Dude, Sel!
You know the wierdest thing, my wisdom tooth was playing up the other day as well. When I say playing up I mean tearing it's way through my gums which hurt *alot*. Very odd. You're certainly my daughter.
Mwah x
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