sel's spot

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Was it Bombed Much During the War?

Hello Everyone and welcome back to this weeks update,

So last Monday it was back to work - but not for long. I got to work for the usual time of 8.45am, made my morning cup of tea , switched my computer and started my day-to-day duties.

It was about 9.30am ish when mum rang me to say that she wasn't in work due to feeling really poorly with a horrible headache, (me and mum sometimes ring each other when we are work so that's why she was letting me know). Being a migraine sufferer headaches etc aren't very pleasant and i was a bit concerned for her.

So i told her that if she wanted to got to the Doctors i would get the time from work to take her. I carried out my morning stuff, answering the phone, a bit of typing etc etc.

By 1.0opm Peter came and saw me and told me that i could go now if i wanted to -to which i said yes and off i went.

I got back to the flat, got changed and headed to mums to take care of her, with some of my brilliant migraine tablets. I stayed at mums till about 4pm when thankfully her headache had started slowly wearing off.

When i got home i put the tea on ready for Kieron to get home from work. In the evening we sat and watched tv before going to bed.

Tuesday and work was a bit slow with not much to do. However in the afternoon i had a rather weird yet hilarious phone call (this is where the title for the blog comes from).

If you watch Faulty Towers you will (hopefully) remember the episode with Mrs Richards- the daft woman with the hearing aid?

Well i got a phone call from someone a bit like that. It was a (really, really) old woman (with a well spoken voice) and she wanted to know where she could get a geometry set from. Her late husband had an old one which he gave to his brother and who wouldn't let her have it and she wanted to get one. On her husbands set it has/had Birmingham on it and she decided to ring yellow pages and ask them for telephone numbers of Architects in Birmingham (yeah because Birmingham is the only place you can get geometry sets from!!!!)

The conversation went on and on and on, she had rund WH Smiths but they only do metal ones! (Oh yes she wanted the proper ones and she called them - i think she ment wooden!).

So i eventually gave her the number of our stationary company we use and then of course we had the greatness of trying th read out the number.

Me: "so its 0121"
Woman "021 .... what... sorry"
ME: (louder) " 0....1.....2....1"

After i had given her the number and her reading it out to me a thousand times, i thought she was going to leave me alone but oh no! I had to have the story of her husband dying (during the war of course), and then she told me that she had never been to Birmingham and wanted to know what its like and where it is! and then because she has never been to Birmingham she then asked "was it bombed much during the war?" to which i informed her that it was more Coventry that was bombed.

Then (obviously forgetting i had given her the telephone number for the stationary company) asked me if we had a university for architects to which i said

Me: "yes we have"
Woman: "where is it?"
Me: " Right in the middle of Birmingham, its called the U.C.E
Woman: " The E.C what?
Me: "No, no U for University, C for Central and E for England - The University for Central England"

Woman "The E.U.V.C - what a funny name for a university and whats their telephone number?"
Me: "i don't know"

and then finally she left me alone!!!

In the evening me and Kieron watched Gordom Ramsay's F Word and Big Brother before going to bed.

Wednesday i woke up feeling not too good i had the start of a cold, although i made my way into work. The day flew by for some reason and before i knew it i was back home again.

In the evening me and Kieron spent most of it on the computer. We were trying to find some pictures to use as our desktop backgroun! (Sad - i know!). We both like anime/manga/final fantasy stuff and thats what we were looking for.

It took us ages to find what we wanted but eventually we found some great stuff. We watched a bit of tv for a bit and then went to bed.

Thursday my cold had got slightly worse but i was still ok for work. There weren't many people in the office so the day was quite peaceful. I had a few things to keep me going which i was thankful of and my day was soon over.

As i was leaving to go home Malcolm offered me a lift, which i said yes too, so i was home a lot quicker than usual (thanks Malcolm).

In the evening i played on my Wii for a bit whilst Kieron was doing something on the PC and then we sat down and watched some tv.

Friday was a good day at work because it was quiet, i had things to keep me going all day and my day flew past.

In the evening me and Kieron went to the cinema to see Forbidden Kingdom with Jet Li and Jackie Chan. Its a very good film quite funny in some places and the martial arts and stunts are excellent.

When we got back we watched Jonathan Ross and the end of Alien Resurrection and then went to bed.

Saturday was a nice day. Me and Kieron got up and tidied around the flat before going into town. We walked around the Bullring and out into the high street just for something to do. Kieron ended up buying two games for his PS3 - Unreal Tournament 3 and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. He was tempted by Metal Gear Solid 4 but he decided to save that when he has nothing else to play. He also bought some books from Waterstones, all fantasy novels, two by Terry Brooks and a David Gemmel book.

I bought myself a new skirt from West One, its white with black flowers on it, i get tired of wearing jeans and combats all the time especially when its sunny.

After we got back from town i changed into my new skirt and went down to see mum, nan and grandad. We had our glass of wine and doughnut and had a chat.

I stayed at mums for a couple of hours, went back and picked Kieron up and went to see Steve and Natalie. We took round with us Cluedo so that we could a couple of games of that for something to do.

We had a nice evening chatting and playing games, but me and Kieron called it a night at 11pm, we got back to the flat and then went straight to bed.

Sunday was the usual day, we went and did our shopping and then went down to Tony and Maria's for sunday dinner, although it wasn't a roast, Maria had done a Chicken curry which was very nice.

We stayed there for a bit before going back home and chilling out for the afternoon. In the evening i went down to nans for tea as usual and to watch Top Gear.

Well i think that's about it for me so - Cheerio!


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