"Just Because You Can Use Magic at Home Doesn't Mean You have to Whip You're Wand Out For Everything!"
Hello everyone, yep another blog from this week as i had to catch-up.
So last Monday, was Bank Holiday Monday and me and Kieron started unpacking our bags from our trip to Blackpool (see blog below). I put some washing on adn set off for the cattery to pick up Faye.
I saw Mandy and had a quick cup of tea, and then follwed Mandy to Faye's pen. She was meowing like mad but she was pleased to see me. When i got her pack to the flat, we made a big fuss of her giving her treats and playing with her non-stop.
We then popped down to see Kieron's mum and dad for abit as Kieron's cousin Michael was there with his girlfriend, who was interested in buying Kieron's old Citreon Saxo.
Kieron showed Michael the car whilst i was telling Tony and Maria all about Blackpool. We stayed for a couple of hours and then went back to the flat.
A bit later on i decided to see my mum for a bit. She was at home not doing very much so we was pleased to see me. We had a chat a little glass of wine and i told her all about Blackpool. After about an hour Kieron rang me to say that Michael's girlfriend wanted to but the Saxo and was going to drop off the money at Tony and Maria's.
So i said goodbye to mum, went and got Kieron and went back to Tony and Maria's. Michael and his girlfriend were already there and so was her parents.
Within a couple of minutes Kieron handed over the keys and the log book and we got the dosh!!!!
In the evening i sat and caught up with Eastenders, X Factor and Big Brother and Kieron played on the PC.
Tuesday was a good day, we got up and went into Town to have a look round and a mooch. Kieron brought himself the new Villa shirt and a game and i was going to buy a new pair of trainers but couldn't find any i liked!
We were in Town for ages looking round the shops, but soon we were ready to go. On hte way back we called in to the Cats Protection Centre down Packhorse Lane, as over the last couple of weeks we had talked about and decided upon getting Faye a little friend to play with.
Faye was 1 of 4 kittens in the litter, who were all born at the centre. According to the staff at the centre they were all lively and playful and they were a very close litter. They day before we went and chose Faye, another couple had chosen the 3 males leaving Faye on her own.
We think that she misses them very much as Faye is still playful and is looking for other cats in our road to paly with, so thats why decided to get her a friend.
We explained our story to one of the staff and they said it would be best if we went with a male cat. We had a good look round but couldn't find any male cats that we thought would suit Faye. So the search is on!
In the evening we went round to Stuart and Becky's house. We had a nice chat and enjoyed a bottle of wine. They have done a lot of decorating since we last went round and it looks really lovely.
We stayed until about 12am and then called it a night.
Wednesday me and Kieron didn't do anything really, i caught up with some programmes i had missed the night before and Kieron spent his time reading a new book and playing on the Pc & Xbox.
Tony and Maria popped round for a quick cup of tea about 4pm ish but they only stayed an hour as they were going out somewhere.
Thursday was another busy day, we got up as we had to go out and do something for a couple of hours and then we called in to Steve and Natalie's.
Natalie had taken the kids down to her mums and wouldn't be back for a couple of hours so i decided to leave the boys playing the xbox and i went in to town to buy some new clothes for work. I didn't want to go to mad so i decided to go to Primark.
I got ended up with two tops and a new pair of trousers which came up to £20 - Bargain!
On my way back home i decided to call in to see nan and grandad as i hadn't seen them for over a week. They were delighted to see me and i showed them what i had bought from Town. I had a cup of tea and a natter and was there for just over an hour.
It was almost 4pm by the time i left nan and grandads, and went straight back to Steve and Natalie's. When i got there, Natalie had just got back herself (brilliant timing).
We stayed round there all evening playing games, watching tv and having a good old chin-wag, but it was soon 12am and it was time to call it a night.
Friday me and Kieron had a massive clean down and tidy up morning as the flat was a complete mess. It took us pretty much all morning and we were exhausted when we had finished.
We had some lunch and we were a bit bored so we went down to Blockbusters as Kieron fancied getting a new game for the Xbox. We had a mooch round and they had a bit of a sale on, Kieron decided to buy Too Human as there was nothing else that caught his eye, and i treated myself to some Harry Potter dvd's.
I have read all of the Harry Potter books (thanks to Rosey) and i have seen all five films but the only one i had on dvd was the thrid film Prizoner of Azkaban, but it was a really bad copy. Blockbusters only had the first three films (Philosophers Stone, Chamber of Secrets & Prizoner of Azkaban) and film five (Order of the Phoenix) all for £5 - so i brought them all!
When we got back Kieron was on his xbox and i had a Harry Potter marathon. I only managed to watch the first one, before i had to get ready and go over to Andy Lake's for his 50th birthday party.
I got there, and dad hadn't arrived so i went in and said hello to the people i knew. It wasn't long before Andy turned up and he didn't let us down. The "them" for Andy's 50th was to do with water - there was a reason for it but i cant be bothered to explain, but it was basically something Andy said to dad once about water features.
Dad, Pete Twist, Brian Hands and my brother actually built a water feature in Andy's back garden (whilst he was on holiday). It was with an old bath (see Gareth's blog for more details) and an old pool pump.
So Andy carried on the theme and he came to his house party dressed up in full snorkel gear! Brilliant!
We had a lovely evening full of fun and laughter - we got to watch the film they had made building the water feature! I stayed until about 12am and then called it a night.
Saturday a good day i went round to mums in the afternoon, watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and then me and Kieron went round Steve and Natalie's in the evening.
Sunday was the usual thing, we went and did the shopping in the morning and to my delight they had Harry Potter 4 (Goblet of Fire) and then i went to see nan in the evening and had tea!
So that's it for now readers - cheerio!
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