sel's spot

Friday, April 07, 2006

Useless Information!

Well hello there bloggers. Tomorrow is the big's come round so fast i can hardly believe it! It's Skiing time!!!! So this will be my last blog for a week, and when i come back i will blog all about it.

Yesterday i had an interesting thought, i suddenly remembered that i had been driving for 1 year. I was totally amazed, but also felt slighty proud of ones self!!!!! So staying with random information like that, here are some thoughts which may keep you occupied until i come back!
  • Why do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the shop to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
  • Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a DIET coke.
  • Why do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters.
  • How come we leave cars worth thousands of pounds on the drive and lock our junk and cheap lawn mower in the garage.
  • 3 Brits die each year testing if a 9v battery works on their tongue.
  • 142 Brits were injured in 1999 by not removing all pins from new shirts.
  • 58 Brits are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.
  • 31 Brits have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while the fairy lights were plugged in.
  • 19 Brits have died in the last 3 years believing that Christmas decorations were chocolate.
  • British Hospitals reported 4 broken arms last year after cracker pulling accidents.
  • 101 people since 1999 have had broken parts of plastic toys pulled out of the soles of their feet.
  • 18 Brits had serious burns in 2000 trying on a new jumper with a lit cigarette in their mouth.
  • A massive 543 Brits were admitted to A&E in the last two years after opening bottles of beer with their teeth.
  • 5 Brits were injured last year in accidents involving out of control Scalextric cars.
  • In 2000 eight Brits cracked their skull whilst throwing up into the Toilet

Well i hope that keeps you going, see you all when i come back. Byzeeeee!


Blogger Rosey said...

*dramatic sob*

Sel, I miss you! Stop skiing and come back home already!

Oh, and bring some of those flying horses with you, they sounded *gooooood*.


Mwah x

12:12 PM  

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