sel's spot

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Auf Wiedersehen, Arrivederci, Trarabit!

Hello there bloggers!

My weekly update is upon so lets get started (before i forget what i did!)

So i already blogged about Bank Holiday Monday so on with last Tuesday, back to work we went and for me it was a rather quiet day but at least it went quickly.

In the evening Kieron had invited Stuart round to show him his new games for the xbox so while the lads were doing that, i sat and finished copying some cd's for Rosey and updated my Sony Walkman!

Wednesday flew by at work and i was fairly quiet again, but mainly because there was only two of us!! Everyone else was either on holiday or on site but i had fun!

That evening Me, Dan, Rosey, Emily, Jim and our good friend Lindsey all meet up at The Barn in Hockely Heath for Rosey's fairwell meal as she was going down to Gloucester to start her PGCE course at the weekend.

We all got there for around 8.30pm and went straight to our table. The meal was really nice and not bad prices either. We all had a laugh and a joke (mainly because of Jim!) and even our waitress joined in! We had desserts (although me and Lindsey had coffee's 'cos we were full!) and settled the bill!

It was 10.30 by the time we left, but unfortunately the time had arrived for us all to say goodbye to Rosey, she'll be back on the weeknds to see us so ut won't be so bad!

Thursday at work dragged on a bit and i was getting a bit fed up as i was typing up some random crap that we need to send to the Council for a job in Tyseley and it was getting rather boring!!

Thursday evening was just a nice quiet night in watching the telly.

Friday Kieron had the day off as there was another game (Two Worlds) coming out for his xbox which he really wanted. So we both went into town and we walked up to Gamestation (as they normally open early for a big game) so we walked up to the pavillions where Game and Woolworths were open. We said our goodbyes and i continued my walk to work.

I had only just made my morning cup of tea at work and Kieron called me. His game had been delayed at the last minute and was going to be realeased Friday 7th September. He was really gutted so he just went home and chilled out the day. Work was good as there was hardly anybody in again so we just chilled out.

Friday evening me and Kieron got a chinese and a bttle of wine each. I watched Kieron play his game Bioshock for most of the evening before watching the final of Big Brother (yes i know i 'm sad but i don't care!) We didn't go to bed until 1am, which is surprisingly late for me!

Saturday me and Kieron spent the morning tidying up as my mum, Gaz, nan and grandad were coming round in the afternoon.

They arrived about 2pm and we sat and had a cake and the usual glass(es) of wine. We all had a good natter and a right old giggle (of what i can't remember!). Nan and grandad left about 4pm to get back to their dog Rosie, mum and Gaz stayed a little bit longer before going at 5pm.

Me and Kieron popped down to Sainsbury's as Kieron wanted a film to watch. He bought The Reaping starring Hilary Swank. I was a bit dubious at first but it was actually a good film.

It's based around the 10 plagues from the bible (see if you can name all 10 plagues - answers are at the bottom!). Hilary Swank's character is a woman who has lost her faith as her husband and her little daughter were slaughtered in Egypt, whislt they were doing some charity work (she managed to get away!).

She is a lecturer/investigater about how what can be assumed as a miracle can always be solved with a scientific answer until she is called to a town called Haven where the river has turned to blood. The town accuse this young girl who apparantly murdered her brother in the river the same morning. Each of the ten plagues follow and it is judged that it is this little girl.

There is a twist in the film and all is revealed that everything is not what it seems.

Sunday morning we had some breakfast and then went to Sainbury's for our weekly shop. Whilst going around all the aisles i noticed that they were selling Trivial Pursuit: Lord of the Rings edition and it had been reduced from £15.99 to £9.99 so i bought it!

That afternoon Me, Kieron, Gaz, Mum, Nan and Grandad met up at The Hollybush for a meal. It was to celebrate that my nan had finally finished all of her cancer treatment. We all opted for the sunday roasts which was a choice of either lamb or beef (of which i had lamb).

It didn't take long for the food to arrive and we were soon scoffing our faces. It was a nice meal with a rewarding dessert at the end.

We didn't stay long after we had had our puddings. So we said our goodbyes and went home.

For the rest of the afternoon we sat and watched tv and finished our left over wine from Friday evening, until i had to go down to my nans for my tea!

And i think that is that so until next week, trarabit!

Ok then so the 10 plagues are:

1 - Water to Blood (Also remembered as draught as all water was human blood)

2 - Frogs (Frogs flooded the land of Egypt and then died)

3 -Gnats/Lice (Lice infestation all crops were ruined)

4 - Flies (Flies swarmed Egypt which spread diseases)

5 - Livestock Diseased (This is also remembered as famine as there was no animals to eat)

6 - Boils (Everyone was covered in boils!)

7 - Storm/fiery hail (A storm which rained ash)

8 - Locusts (They finished off what the lice/flies were doing - they wiped Egypt of trees, grass, food)

9 - Darkness (Egypt was plunged into darkness for 3 days)

10 - Death of the Firstborn (All first born sons were killed, ranging from a peasants son to sons of livestock)

So how well did you do?


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