The Da Vinci Men!
Hello there bloggers, my my it's been a while since i blogged, terrible.
Although to be honest, not alot has been happening, apart from...
The Cinema! (Yes i know - exciting!)
Firstly - on May 19th i saw the Da Vinci Code
I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but it was an awesome film.
If you've already read the book then the film is easy to follow although it spoils it in a way 'cos you know what's going to happen- some information has been taken but if they didn't it would have been 4 hours long.
If you haven't read the book then don't worry it will still be an amazing film - just remember to listen a bit more carefully because some information has been left out - the book goes into far more detail so listen closely.
Then last Thursday (25th May) i went to see X-Men 3. Again it was an incredible film, really enjoyed it. I won't spoil it by telling people what happens, but it's a little sad in parts - but The Phoenix kicks ass!
May/June this year for movies is really good, the next film Kieron wants to watch is the re-make of The Omen (Release date 06.06.06 - oooh shocking!) which i'm not really fussed about, then the new Superman film (June) which i'm really looking forward to.
To sorry to disappoint but that's all for now bloggers, but i will stay in touch xxx
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