sel's spot

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chilling Out!

Hello there viewers

So i start with my blog last Monday, work was really, really busy i don't know why really everything just happened at once. But it was a good day none the less!

Monday evening me and Kieron listened to the Villa match (as we don't have Setanta sports!). I plugged my new speakers into my phone (which my mum bought me for xmas!) and listened to it intently whilst me and Kieron were cooking dinner. We were playing Liverpool away and i was slightly nervous for the lads. It was a slow first half followed by an amazing second and the final score was 2-2 which i thought was a great result.

We watched tv for a bit after the match before going to bed.

Tuesday work was a good day, i was mainly finishing things off that i had left over from Monday. Tuesday evening me and Kieron sat and watched tv again. Kieron was really tired after his day at work so we just relaxed.

Wednesday work was still a bit hectic but i managed to sort everything out. In the evening me and Kieron went down to mums to giver her and Gareth a hand to move her old washing machine as it had broken and she had her new one ready to put in its place. Kieron and Gareth managed to move the machines about. We were there for about 20 mins before going back home to get something to eat. Before going back to the flat Kieron wanted to go to Choices Videos to see what was out.

We ended up getting Superbad and Family Guy: Blue Harvest (the Star Wars spin off!). We also got a packet of malteasers to munch on.

We got home and Kieron started the tea and i put on Superbad. Its fairly funny, if you've seen '40 Year Old Virgin' and 'Knocked Up' you'll proably like this film as well (mainly because its directed by the same people!).

We then decided to watch Family Guy which was just as funny. Aparantly they are going to do all six star wars films and turn them into one-off Family Guy films which to be honest i can't wait for!

Thursday work was actually quite quiet. Most people were out of the office so everybody was enjoying the peacefulness. Actually Thursday was what i call a 'Jelly Day'. Have you ever had a day where it feels like everything is happening in front of, as if you were watching what was going on rather than taking place in it? No......ok just me then!

Thursday evening Kieron played on his Xbox whilst i did some general tidying up before sitting down and watching tv.

Friday was the start of mine and Kieron's long weekend. As it was going to be Kieron's birthday on Sunday we decided to have a couple of days off.

I got up and had a shower and then did some washing followed by doing a bit of vacuuming. Kieron chilled out on his xbox for a bit before he decided to have a shower and help me do some tidying and cleaning.

We then decided to go over to Shirley to Argos, Kieron wanted to have a look at getting a proper knife set and i wanted to buy 'Cluedo' as it was something we could play at Steve and Natalie's. Kieron couldn't find a knife set that he liked or one that was in stock adn they hadn't got Cluedo. So we left Argos and walked up to Toys 'R' Us. I haven't been in Toys 'R' Us for years. When i was little it was the only shop that mum would buy our games or toys from. She would stnad outside waiting for the doors to open to get her hands on the Christmas presents we wanted. It was the best store ever.

But now its crap! Seriously its not only expensive but its just way out of its time, which in some respect i think is quite sad!!

Anyway me and Kieron looked up and down at all of their board games and managed to find Cluedo. Kieron had a quick look at the Xbox and PS3 games before buying Cluedo and then going home.

We bought a bottle of wine each for later in the evening. I watched Big Brother Celebrity Hijacked the live eviction whilst Kieron played on his xbox for a bit.

Saturday was a busy day, even though Kieron's birthday was Sunday we decided to celebrate it on Saturday as we were meeting up with some mates etc. In the morning we just did some washing up and that before getting ready to go out to the pub.

I rang Gareth to see if wanted to join us (to which he agreed) so i went and picked him up. We decided to go to the Lifford Curve as we hadn't been there for a while. It was actually very quite, we went in, got some drinks and looked at the menu. Kieron and Gareth both opted for a curry and i had lasagne.

The food was good and it was shortly followed by a few more pints. We then went back to mums to see nan & grandad. But me and Kieron didn't stay long as we were going over to Steve and Natalie's.

I took Cluedo round and we had a few games of that. We had our little chats as usual and just had some fun!! It was a good night although me and Kieron called it a night around midnight.

Sunday was a chilled day. Kieron spent the morning on his xbox whilst i caught up on some programmes i had missed. We went and did our shopping, came back and unloaded it and hen went down to Kieron's mum and dad's for Sunday lunch. We stayed there a couple of hours and then came back home and relaxed.

I then later went down to see Nanny Evans as usual and dad was back from skiing so he was telling me all about his trip.

So on to yesterday it was mine and Kieron's last day off. We chilled out in the morning and then got ready to go in Town. I had some vouchers from Christmas and decided that i wanted to have a look round to see what i could buy.

I ended up in Republic and bought a nice warm jacket and some cool jeans. Kieron looked round at some of the game shops and then we went and had a look round Waterstones for a new book but he couldn't find anything he fancied.

We then had a cup of coffee and a muffin at Starbucks (as Kieron couldn't resist the smell of the muffins) and then set off for home.

When we got back Kieron put the tea on and we both sat down to relax.

Well i think that about covers it for now so cheerio!!


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