sel's spot

Monday, January 22, 2007

Wii are going to have some fun!!

Hello there peeps!

Well as you can see by the title of this blog, i'm sure you can tell what i'm going to be talking about......

....That's right Skiing!!!!

*Jokes* I'll actually be talking about both, but let's start at the very beginning (a very good place to start!) So last Tuesday I was at work, i decided very sneakily to check up on the stock check for Nintendo Wii's. I'm sure you are all aware that Nintendo Wii's were released last December and sold out like crazy and is now increasingly difficult to get one!!! So i logged onto and noticed that Woolworths had had a small delivery that morning!!! I quickly logged onto the woolworths website and ordered one, i was so lucky. I ordered mine at 9.23am and they sold out at 9.25!!!!!!!!!

I was very excited, at last i would finally have one, the delivery date was set to Thursday 18th, so i patiently waited till Thursday.
During Tuesday lunchtime i went out and bought Zelda:Twilight Princess so that i was ready to play my Wii. On my way back to the office i started to get a pain in my chest, i htought it was just the cold and i would be alright when i got back into the warmth.
Wednesday morning the same thing happened, so i decided to make an appointment with my Doctor (just incase i had picked up a chest infection!).

Finally Thursday arrived and i waited for my mum to ring to say it had been delivered. I had heard nothing all day, and before long it was 5.30 and it was time to leave work - i was very disappointed!! And just to make my day even worse, my chest pains got alot worse. I left work and started my walk upto the bus, but before long i had to sit down, i felt really dizzy, really sick and the pain was immense. I sat down in the churchyard, and my phone began to ring - it was mum. I told her what had happened and she instantly came and met me at New Street Station, she took me straight to the A&E at the Alexander Hospital. The doctor saw me, listened to my heart, took my blood pressure, listnened to my chest and nothing seemed wrong. He decided to give me an ECG scan (just incase) and that too showed that everything was in 100% working order. He told me that if it got worse, then to come back. I left feeling very annoyed that he didn't know what it was!!!
Friday morning, i got up for work as usual but this time i couldn't even walk to the kitchen without my chest pains hurting. Kieron was worried and told me not to go to work, he phoned his place and asked if he could take the day off to make sure i was ok. I decided to go back to bed to relax, and my phone rang. It was mum, i told her about the morning's episode but made me feel loads better when she said "Your Wii has arrived" i was very excited. A bit later that morning Kieron and i went to pick up my Wii, sat and had a drink with mum and left to get it set up. Kieron was more excited than i was! It was soon up and running (thanks to Kie) i had a little bash on Wii Sports (which is hilarious!) but because of my chest i let Kieron play on Zelda, which he loved and was on it most of the evening!!
I went to my Doctors at about 6, where i re-explained the problem with my chest. I had to run up and down to corridor until i got the pain, and good old Dr Miskin listened to my chest, and told me what i already had been told - Nothing seems to be wrong. He thought it might be stress, and that i'm hyper ventilating. He gave some breathing exercises i could do to help me realx, but apart from that my time (i felt) had been wasted.
Later that evening, i went down to nan's as my dad was going on his annual Lads (also known as the Laaads) Skiing trip and i wanted to say goodbye before he left. Every January my dad and others go on a Lads skiing trip. However this year is specail as it's their 20th skiing trip, so instead of going somewhere nice in Austria, they decided to make it a big one and they're off to Lake Tahoe, California. They have also had blue fleeces made with the dates of each skiing trip on the back and they've had they're nickname on the front, (They also have matching fluorescent orange hats to match!!!).I stayed for a couple of hours and headed back home, where i had another little go on my Wii.
Saturday morning, me and Kie went shopping, before nan & grandad, mum and Gaz came up for the afternoon. Dad was up at 4am to make sure he catched his lift to the airport for his skiing trip. Nan and everyone arrived and i was soon demonstrating my Wii to Gaz (he was very fascinated!!) Before long, it was time for my nan & grandad to leave, Gaz went with them as he was going out to Wolverhampton to see one of his friends band, but mum decided to stay a while longer.
Me and mum sat and had one of our girlie chats (which are most missed!) but Kie came and joined us after he had had a blast on ChromeHounds. Mum stayed until 9 and i droped her back home.
Sunday was a very eventful day, my cousins Marion & Dewi (pronounced dare-we) from Wales came up to see my nan and Uncle Stan. So as i have'nt really met any of my Welsh relatives i decided to pop along and greet them. Aunty and Rachel were there, and we had a lovely afternoon, chatting and laughing. As it's a 3 hour drive back to Swansea, Dewi and Marion decided to set off about 4. They said they would drop Uncle Stan home, so they helped to get him ready as well. He decided to go to the loo before they left and that's when we heard an almighty Bang!!
Uncle Stan isn't very good on his feet and he is very ill, he had slipped in the toilet and his back hit the door and broke the glass. Poor nan nearly had a heart attack, I got Rachel to move nan into the living room, so she could calm down. Unfortunatley the toilet door opens inwards and Uncle Stan was leaning on it. Dewi put his arm through the hole in the broken glass and kept pushing stan forward until he could squeeze through the door to get him up. He was soon on his feet again and he hadn't hurt himself at all, which was amazing!!
Everyone soon left, but i stayed with nan for a bit longer to make sure she was alright. I popped back home for a bit to check on Kieron and then went back down to nans for some tea as usual.
Well after a rather random week, i will leave it there!!


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