Can You Die of Boredom????
Hello readers,
Yes i know it's been a little while since i last blogged, but that's because of one reason and one reason alone....
I've done sod all!!!
Last weekend i went to Solihull with my mum as i had some vouchers left over from Christmas and i decided i wanted to treat myself. I had a £40 H&M Voucher and a £30 Marks & Spencer voucher. I bought some new undies from H&M and I spent £10 in M&S on wine and i gave the other £20 to my mum, so she could treat herself. Well that's face it, M&S aren't exactly for the younger generation!!!
We went back to mum's house and i stayed to see my nan and grandad for a bit before i went home, and did nothing. Kieron downloaded the first few episodes of a new programme which started on Sci-Fi called 'Heroes'. If you like sci-fi stuff then watch it, it is really, really good!
Yes i know it's been a little while since i last blogged, but that's because of one reason and one reason alone....
I've done sod all!!!
Last weekend i went to Solihull with my mum as i had some vouchers left over from Christmas and i decided i wanted to treat myself. I had a £40 H&M Voucher and a £30 Marks & Spencer voucher. I bought some new undies from H&M and I spent £10 in M&S on wine and i gave the other £20 to my mum, so she could treat herself. Well that's face it, M&S aren't exactly for the younger generation!!!
We went back to mum's house and i stayed to see my nan and grandad for a bit before i went home, and did nothing. Kieron downloaded the first few episodes of a new programme which started on Sci-Fi called 'Heroes'. If you like sci-fi stuff then watch it, it is really, really good!
Then last week, was boring apart from on Wednesday at work the Partners treated us to a lunch out, so we went round the corner to Henry's which is a lovely little chinese restaurant. Then it's been boring from there on.
Boring, boring ,boring. The only thing that's keeping me amused is the book i'm reading 'Digital Fortress' by Dan Brown. I also have Deception Point to read and High Fidelity by Nick Hornby (which i have read once before, but it is a good book!).
Kieron bought Final Fantasy 12 on Friday just gone, which he is totally besotted with (bless!).
Hopefully my organ should be coming to the flat this weekend, which will relieve me of this boredom phase. I have waited long enough for the organ to be moved, but in all fairness it is massive and it's my grandad that has to move it as the top part needs to be unscrewed and unplugged from the base!!!

So my fellow bloggers i shall leave you there for now, i shall update you all when i have something better to talk about, but until then if you have any ideas of how to relieve me of such boredomness (if hat's a word!) then leave me a note!!!!
Ta-Raa x