sel's spot

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

What, Why, Where & When?

Hello all,

This Saturday will be a good one! now if you're not into football, well tough!!!! I have to put up with the tennis, cricket and snooker, so i don't care!!!

So anyway.. first of all this saturday - England Vs Portugal in the quarters of the World Cup (COME ON ENGLAND!!!!) Yes we are there again, i must admit i am quite nervous 'cos Portugal are good and we haven't been playing very well, but nevertheless we can do it, and we must Believe!

Secondly, I'm going to Coventry with Dan and Rosey to celebrate Rosey's birthday. Now to be honest, i've never been to Coventry (except with my high school in year 8 when we visited Coventry Cathedral - but that's not the same!!!) and i'm not too sure what to expect, i have no idea where we are going, no idea if it's a bar or a club and i have no idea what to wear (except from the fact Rosey has told me i'm wearing a skirt as she will be wearing one!!!)

Actually even though i don't wear skirts that often, i have quite a few - so which one shall it be?
1) Short beige, pleated, skirt which i can wear with my black ankle boots or knee length brown boots and pretty most any top!!!
2) This skirt is technically an outfit as i wore it to Kieron's mum & dad's wedding. Knee length skirt, what's a colour darker than beige? ok it's dark beige, with a cool tassell belt, worn with my brown boots a light chocolate brown vesy top, and over that a drk brown lacey-sleeved top which ties just under my chest!

3) Dark chocolate brown skirt, knee length, jagged edges and very flowy, worn with either my brown boots or my flat brown shoes with little flowers on them.
4) More casual skirt, long, white cotton, straight skirt with thin silver lines, can be worn with my sandals or my flat brown shoes!!!!

Decisions, decisions, decisons. I'm more stuck between 1 & 3 - i prefer 3 'cos it's not short & i don't want to look tarty, but i prefer 1 'cos i haven't worn it in ages (Rosey if you're reading - help!!!)

Well, i can always worry about it when it comes to Saturday, i'm sure we'll have fun, i know i will 'cos i haven't had a good drink in ages!!!!!

See you all soon xx

Thursday, June 08, 2006

'Tis the season to be sneezy!

Hey everyone - it is indeed Summer!

That means only one thing to me - Hayfever!

Yes i am a sufferer, and for all you out there that suffer i feel sorry for you nand for those that don't "Gits!". Saturday morning i woke up with a dry, sore throat and not too long after that i began too itch. Following that my nose began to feel quite irretable and it wasn't long before the first "ACHH-OOOOO".

Although i think part of it did actually turn out to be a Summer cold (how stupid is that?) as my head became fuzzy, i took couple of days of from work to get better (which i am, thank you for asking).

How are you supposed to enjoy the warm and sunny weather without scratching and sneezing all the bloody time. Winter is the season for that, in actual fact i dont think there is any month of the year you can get away with without something being wrong!

Dec- Feb - Winter - colds, flu, stomach bugs, - the whole works
March - May - Spring - Still some colds around and i always find these months are the worst for headaches (don't ask me why)
June - August - Summer - Hayfever, summer colds, sunstroke and possibly migraines (if you suffer with them)
Sept - Nov - Autumn - These months are the odd ones you tend to get silly things like a sore throat, or tonsilitus, and you can still get a cold!!!!!

So basically there will always be a time when you can be ill!

Well that was a random blog (and quite depressing when you think about it!)

Ohh well - hope everyone gets well soon!

love me xxxx

Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Bright Shining Star

You Are a Bright Star Soul

Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attention

In fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on you

You need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivial

And it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive

You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energy

You posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to define

A natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles.

Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul

The Da Vinci Men!

Hello there bloggers, my my it's been a while since i blogged, terrible.

Although to be honest, not alot has been happening, apart from...

The Cinema! (Yes i know - exciting!)

Firstly - on May 19th i saw the Da Vinci Code

I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but it was an awesome film.

If you've already read the book then the film is easy to follow although it spoils it in a way 'cos you know what's going to happen- some information has been taken but if they didn't it would have been 4 hours long.

If you haven't read the book then don't worry it will still be an amazing film - just remember to listen a bit more carefully because some information has been left out - the book goes into far more detail so listen closely.

Then last Thursday (25th May) i went to see X-Men 3. Again it was an incredible film, really enjoyed it. I won't spoil it by telling people what happens, but it's a little sad in parts - but The Phoenix kicks ass!

May/June this year for movies is really good, the next film Kieron wants to watch is the re-make of The Omen (Release date 06.06.06 - oooh shocking!) which i'm not really fussed about, then the new Superman film (June) which i'm really looking forward to.

To sorry to disappoint but that's all for now bloggers, but i will stay in touch xxx

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