sel's spot

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Birthday Blues!!!

Hello there people,

Well it's been a fairly busy week, firstly work has been manic. As Architects we are Quality Assment 'Registered' so that people know we aren't cowboys. It also means that our Practice has to have set rules on how EVERYTHING is done, and i mean EVERYTHING.

So, this Thursday we have a man coming to the Practice (who will be here ALL day!!!) going through our QA Manual and basically making sure that we are doing what we say we do. So everyone is running around like headless chickens making sure everything is where it should be and up-to-date!

Anyway on with the blog -

Last Monday evening Stuart came round to have a go on my Wii, however he started taking the 'Boxing' on Wii Sports a bit seriously and managed to put a faint scratch on the wall where his hand (and my controller) hit it!!!

Thursday evening Rosey, Emily and Dan came round (Jim was away on training with Flu!) to have a go on my Wii. We had Chinese and then i showed them Wii Sports and Warioware. Emily and Dan got into the bowling but they didn't really seemed bothered by it!!!

AHA - at last the weekend was here!!! Me and Kieron had booked Friday and Monday off as it was his birthday on Saturday and we wanted to have a long weekend. So Friday Telewest were coming to fit cable as we get no reception!!! So whilst Kie sat playing Zelda and waiting for Telewest to arrive, i went to Tesco's with mum to get the shopping out of the way. We then popped into Kings Heath for 20mins as i needed to pay some cheques into the Bank and i needed to buy a broom!!!!

When mum dropped me back home, Telewest had been and gone. So we now have 30-40 channels to watch in peace - excellent!!!!!

Saturday was Kieron's birthday, and the poor old bugger turned 24! He doesn't really bother about his birthday much so he wasn't over joyed!!!! We went to my mums in the afternoon as nan & grandad and mum had bought him little prezzies, he cheered up alot when mum got the wine out!!!!

Stuart and Becky arrived at mums at about 5pm, as we were all going out to an Indian Restaurant called 'Sweet Chillies', and its not all balti's and curries, they do a range of Indian food. I had a chicken biryani, Kie and Becky had Chicken and Potato Balti (which looked really nice), mum had a lamb balti, Stuart had a Chicken Tikka rogan Josh and Gareth had Malibu Chicken. All in all it was a good night, we all had a laugh and a bit to drink, but soon it was time to leave. Stuart and Becky had other plans to go out, but mum and Gareth decided to come back to ours. We got home and Kie invited Steve round. We played on the Wii for ages, i dropped mum back about 10.30 and when i got back to the flat, they guys had put on Warioware (which is really bizarre and you do need alcohol to play it!!).

Gareth was really good at this puzzle game and got to level 30 ot of 50. We soon decided to play Atmosphere, we played one game of Khufu: The Mummy and then one game of original Atmosphere. It was way past 1am, mum came to collect Gaz and Steve ventured off home too. It was a great night and i think it cheered Kieron up!

Sunday was quite a boring day, the only thing exciting was i went to my nans for tea!

Monday (yesterday) i went to the hairdressers at 11 as my hair was way too long for my liking and needed cut-off. So i had a good gossip with my mate Catrina who always cuts my hair!!!!

I called into mums for 10mins to make sure she was ok. I got back to the flat for about 12pm and Kie had gone out. Not too long after my phone rang and it was kieron telling me he had gone to kIngs Heath and was having problems in Argos and said he would be about 30mins.

I got myself a pot noodle and settled down to play on my Wii. After getting frustrated with Warioware, i sat down to watch a bit of TV and Kie came home. He had bought himself a weights workout bench ( a little treat to himself for his birthday!) and he had also bought new towels for the bathroom.

That was about it!! Not a overly fun and amazing week but i had a nice weekend!!! Next Saturday should be a laugh as i bought Kieron for his birthday a 2 hour skiing lesson, so until then...


Monday, January 22, 2007

Wii are going to have some fun!!

Hello there peeps!

Well as you can see by the title of this blog, i'm sure you can tell what i'm going to be talking about......

....That's right Skiing!!!!

*Jokes* I'll actually be talking about both, but let's start at the very beginning (a very good place to start!) So last Tuesday I was at work, i decided very sneakily to check up on the stock check for Nintendo Wii's. I'm sure you are all aware that Nintendo Wii's were released last December and sold out like crazy and is now increasingly difficult to get one!!! So i logged onto and noticed that Woolworths had had a small delivery that morning!!! I quickly logged onto the woolworths website and ordered one, i was so lucky. I ordered mine at 9.23am and they sold out at 9.25!!!!!!!!!

I was very excited, at last i would finally have one, the delivery date was set to Thursday 18th, so i patiently waited till Thursday.
During Tuesday lunchtime i went out and bought Zelda:Twilight Princess so that i was ready to play my Wii. On my way back to the office i started to get a pain in my chest, i htought it was just the cold and i would be alright when i got back into the warmth.
Wednesday morning the same thing happened, so i decided to make an appointment with my Doctor (just incase i had picked up a chest infection!).

Finally Thursday arrived and i waited for my mum to ring to say it had been delivered. I had heard nothing all day, and before long it was 5.30 and it was time to leave work - i was very disappointed!! And just to make my day even worse, my chest pains got alot worse. I left work and started my walk upto the bus, but before long i had to sit down, i felt really dizzy, really sick and the pain was immense. I sat down in the churchyard, and my phone began to ring - it was mum. I told her what had happened and she instantly came and met me at New Street Station, she took me straight to the A&E at the Alexander Hospital. The doctor saw me, listened to my heart, took my blood pressure, listnened to my chest and nothing seemed wrong. He decided to give me an ECG scan (just incase) and that too showed that everything was in 100% working order. He told me that if it got worse, then to come back. I left feeling very annoyed that he didn't know what it was!!!
Friday morning, i got up for work as usual but this time i couldn't even walk to the kitchen without my chest pains hurting. Kieron was worried and told me not to go to work, he phoned his place and asked if he could take the day off to make sure i was ok. I decided to go back to bed to relax, and my phone rang. It was mum, i told her about the morning's episode but made me feel loads better when she said "Your Wii has arrived" i was very excited. A bit later that morning Kieron and i went to pick up my Wii, sat and had a drink with mum and left to get it set up. Kieron was more excited than i was! It was soon up and running (thanks to Kie) i had a little bash on Wii Sports (which is hilarious!) but because of my chest i let Kieron play on Zelda, which he loved and was on it most of the evening!!
I went to my Doctors at about 6, where i re-explained the problem with my chest. I had to run up and down to corridor until i got the pain, and good old Dr Miskin listened to my chest, and told me what i already had been told - Nothing seems to be wrong. He thought it might be stress, and that i'm hyper ventilating. He gave some breathing exercises i could do to help me realx, but apart from that my time (i felt) had been wasted.
Later that evening, i went down to nan's as my dad was going on his annual Lads (also known as the Laaads) Skiing trip and i wanted to say goodbye before he left. Every January my dad and others go on a Lads skiing trip. However this year is specail as it's their 20th skiing trip, so instead of going somewhere nice in Austria, they decided to make it a big one and they're off to Lake Tahoe, California. They have also had blue fleeces made with the dates of each skiing trip on the back and they've had they're nickname on the front, (They also have matching fluorescent orange hats to match!!!).I stayed for a couple of hours and headed back home, where i had another little go on my Wii.
Saturday morning, me and Kie went shopping, before nan & grandad, mum and Gaz came up for the afternoon. Dad was up at 4am to make sure he catched his lift to the airport for his skiing trip. Nan and everyone arrived and i was soon demonstrating my Wii to Gaz (he was very fascinated!!) Before long, it was time for my nan & grandad to leave, Gaz went with them as he was going out to Wolverhampton to see one of his friends band, but mum decided to stay a while longer.
Me and mum sat and had one of our girlie chats (which are most missed!) but Kie came and joined us after he had had a blast on ChromeHounds. Mum stayed until 9 and i droped her back home.
Sunday was a very eventful day, my cousins Marion & Dewi (pronounced dare-we) from Wales came up to see my nan and Uncle Stan. So as i have'nt really met any of my Welsh relatives i decided to pop along and greet them. Aunty and Rachel were there, and we had a lovely afternoon, chatting and laughing. As it's a 3 hour drive back to Swansea, Dewi and Marion decided to set off about 4. They said they would drop Uncle Stan home, so they helped to get him ready as well. He decided to go to the loo before they left and that's when we heard an almighty Bang!!
Uncle Stan isn't very good on his feet and he is very ill, he had slipped in the toilet and his back hit the door and broke the glass. Poor nan nearly had a heart attack, I got Rachel to move nan into the living room, so she could calm down. Unfortunatley the toilet door opens inwards and Uncle Stan was leaning on it. Dewi put his arm through the hole in the broken glass and kept pushing stan forward until he could squeeze through the door to get him up. He was soon on his feet again and he hadn't hurt himself at all, which was amazing!!
Everyone soon left, but i stayed with nan for a bit longer to make sure she was alright. I popped back home for a bit to check on Kieron and then went back down to nans for some tea as usual.
Well after a rather random week, i will leave it there!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

It's Cold And I Don't Like It!

Hello there viewers,

Firstly i would like to announce that i have changed my blog over to the new blogger system, i have no idea what the difference is, but i'm sure i will find out soon!

Well, towards the end of last week, i had had about enough of work, not because of the work itself but because of rude and snotty people on the phone!!!

I'm a Secretary of an Architects practice in the centre of town and one of my many duties is to answer the phone, therefore being people's/clients first point of contact. Now i'm nice and pleasant and always try to be helpful but i can't do that when i have stupid people on the phone who just don't listen to what i'm saying! For those of you who work in an office situation, will know that Boss's/Managers etc don't like taking certain types of calls i.e. Sales, marketing/advertising, random people wanting our contact details to send information through etc etc etc.

Now, i know for a fact (as the two partners have told me a dozen times!) that there are no vacancies for any students (as we already have 2 and that's enough!). So on Friday a young, asian gentleman rang enquiring about student vacancies........ and that's where it went wrong

"Good Morning PD Architects"
"Hello my name is Bkhan can i speak to Peter Edmonds please"
"What's the call regarding please?"
"Student vacancies, i have spoke to him before"

*being slightly confused as i had never heard of him i rang Peter and checked and he didn't know who he was either!*

"I'm sorry Mr Edmonds doesn't appear to remember having spoken to you before, what is it exactly your enquiring about"
"I told you Student vacancies" (Getting quite angry with me!)
"I'm very sorry Mr Edmonds has made it clear there are no Studdent vacan...."
"NO, NO, NO, I spoke to MR EDMONDS, i have sent in my CV and everything!" (getting more annoyed and getting angrier!)
"Well, i collect and hand out the post and i haven't seen any CV's arrive" (which is true i do do the post and i hadn't seen any CV's)
"Look Woman, i sent it Recorded Delivery, and everything, so what you gona do about it?" (Raising his voice and really starting to piss me off!!)
"Look i'm very sorry Sir, i haven't received any CV's through the post since we've been back after Christmas break, i'm sure it's got held up within the post and it'll be delivered shortly, when it is delivered i will still make sure Mr Edmonds receives it, but until then, if you did post it through Record Delivery, you can ring Royal Mail and check whether it's been delivered, that's why it's recorded"

With that he said he would find out more from Royal Mail and put down the phone, i mean look mate i'm not fucking Royal Mail am i, so if your post has been lost blame them not me!

Finally Friday was at an end, and i had Rosey & Co coming round to see the flat, i got home got changed and started to tidy up abit so that the place wasn't a pigs stye!! It was my turn to buy the alcohol, so i got my coat on went out to my car and noticed that a young lady was trying to park her Corsa on the pavement. Now where i live, the parking isn't brilliant you can only park on side of the road 'cos if park on both sides noone can get through so this then limits the parking, so the only alternative is to park all four wheels on the pavement, which is what this lady was doing.

Now my car was parked in the road, and i was going to save at least one space for Rosey or Emily, so i knew if i moved my car the Corsa woman would take it, so i went to my car and just made it look like i was getting something out of it, but before long i had a sharp tap on my shoulder i looked up to find the Corsa lady starring into my face

"Are you leaving?" (in a nasty sharp tone)
"Maybe later but not right now, no"
"Well ive got nowhere to park" (in a very stroppy high pitched voice)
"Well i'm very sorry, do you live round here?"
"No im visiting someone!" (she said as if she's the Queen!)
"Well im very sorry, i live over there *points* where the van is but my boyfriend is sometimes called out all of a sudden, so that's why i park my car in the road!"
"Well this is just no use to me" (again in a stroppy voice)

But then she walked off back to her car turned her lights and her engine off and started walking to the house she was going to, i decided to be a bit clever and walked back to my flat, i waited a good 5 - 10 mins before quickly hurrying to my car, driving round the corner, picked up a couple of cans and drove back home......


Is she that snobby that she couldn't leave her precious little car, on the opposite corner where it was out of the way and totally safe!!

I was not amused! I stormed into the flat, and after cursing for about 20mins to Kieron about the bitch i let it go! Although my star sign is Scorpio and i believe that there are certain characteristics that show up in different star signs - one of my traits is that i love revenge and believe me i do!!!!!

Anyway, it wasn't long before Emily, Jim, Rosey & Dan came round (after me finding them other parking places) and we were having fun. I showed them all round, and they got settled in the living room where we sat and nattered (and i told them about the Corsa woman!!) we played Atmosphere, which was hilarious and i won for the first time ever. It was almost 11pm, Emily had a PGCE interview on Saturday at Wolverhampton and didn't want to be late so they decided to head-off. After they had gone Dan, Me and Rosey decided to play 'Twister'. Now last time i played Twister i was probably about 12/13 i was lighter, slightly small, and a bit more flexible. Im now 21, im slightley heavier, taller, and not so flexible, the results .....


Rosey was drunk, kept giggling and kept collapsing after 5mins, i managed to end up wrapping my legs round each other but then somehow tripped myself up and dan managed end up in some rather random positions!

It was all fun and ended the night off with a game of Jenga (which i lost!). It was almost 1am and Rosey and Dan decided they too would head off. As i was saying goodbye i noticed that there was a parking space in front of the Corsa, so i quickly grabbed my keys, moved my car and parked in front of hers, and i decided to leave hardly any manoeuvring space, she had about 1 inch between mine and hers and about 2 between hers and a jag!!!

Saturday morning, me and kie woke up to go shopping. We had breakfast and got ready, left the flat and saw the Corsa woman and what appeared to be her boyfriend trying to get her precious little car out of the gap! And guess what....

.......she couldn't!!

I thought serves her bloody well right for being so stroppy, me and kie quickly ran inside and peeked through our bedroom curtains, watching her and trying so hard not to laugh. In the end she gave up, as she was getting out of the car, me and kie quickly dashed out the flat, waited for her to go back in, dived into my car and set off for Tescos to do the shopping!!

Sunday was fairly boring, you know just usual Sunday's, nothing on TV, nothing to do except wait patiently for your Sunday Dinner. Kie cooked some steaks we had bought, and they were delicious. I sat watching him play Chrome Hounds for a bit before going to my nans as usual (I watched Terminator 3 - great film!)

That's about it for me guys!!


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

" ..... You Say Goodbye and I Say Hello....."

Hello fellow bloggers

Firstly let say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all, secondly let me say sorry for not blogging for a couple of weeks, i have been pre-occupied of late and have been really busy over the crimbo holidays and you will see why as follows:-

Thursday 21st December - Works Xmas meal. We went to a small French restaurant in Corporation Street called 'La Bastille'. I had the day off to meet up with Rosey to hand over prezzies and to catch up on some stuff, which i really enjoyed. So i made my way back to work for 5pm and we soon made our way to the pub next door (Tarnished Halo) for a couple of drinks. We then headed off to a pub by St Phillips Cathedral called The Fighting Cock for another couple of drinks and then we slowly headed for the restaurant. I had ordered Steak for my main meal and i was looking forward to it (as i was very hungry by this point).

Sadly though, the meal was ok, the service wasn't that brill, but certainly had a laugh and a good time was had by all. I left around 9.30, got on the No. 2 bus back to Keiron's to see him for a bit before mum came and picked me up.

I also got a call today from my Solicitor telling me my completion date for the flat - i was very excited, we knew it wouldn't be before christmas as we were in a 'chain', and the person at the top of the chain had a couple of problems which meant they couldn't move out!!! So i thought it might have been middle of January, but when i spoke to Diane she had already exchanged contracts with our seller and the completion date would be 2nd January 2007!!! I was so excited, i phoned Kie to tell him the news, he was shocked!!!

Friday 22nd December - Our last day at work, we were fairly busy but it wasn't too bad. We were allowed to leave at 4 (instead of 5) and we each received a bottle of wine (which i drunk that night at Kie's!!!)

Christmas Day - I got some really good stuff ranging through cd's, dvd's, music books, some groovy furry house socks, money and then all the little extra items you get!! Nan & Grandad came up to mum's house in the morning, who were shortly followed by Kieron, who stayed for a couple of hours before going back home for his mum's xmas dinner. About 4pm me and gaz decided to down to dad's house to see Aunty Jan, Lyd, Rach and Nan. We had another short prezzie session before watching the tv (which was quite dull!). A bit later on (after watching the Dr Who xmas special) gaz took me home so i could go down to Kieron's to give him some little prezzies my nan had got for him.

Boxing Day - Me and mum went to see nan & Grandad for a while before i met up with Kieron at the cinema to see 'Night At the Museum'. It was very funny and deffinatley worth seeing.

Friday 29th December - 6pm Rosey and Dan came to pick me up as we were going to Burton-on-Trent to meet up with Richard and Angi (and some of Angi's friends) to go to a chinese restaurant. We met up with Emily and Jim at the carpark before going in. Shortly after Rich and Angi arrived and we were soon going to our tables ready to get something to eat. On our table was Me, Rosey, Dan, Emily, Jim, Rich and three of Angi's friends who i think were called Adam, Claire and one i can't remember!

During the course of the evening, one of Angi's friends asked me where i was from as they couldn't distinguish my accent, i politely replied i was from Birmingham, but confused her when Rosey told her she was from Solihull. Then amazingly we all got into a debate about Solihull and Birmingham and i think we scared them away!!! But all in all i had a good time and a great laugh and i was so stuffed!!!!

New Years Eve - We went round to Andy and Becky's house where we had lots of food and drink, there was music on and everybody there was in good spirits (even tho we didn't know half of them!). We sat with Andy's brother Steve (who is also Kie's friend) and his girlfriend Natalie. It was nice just to chill for the evening, until the countdown!!
Hopefully this year we will be able to have people round our flat!
Tuesday 2nd January 2007 - The day we moved in!!!
It was also the first day back at work, so i decided to go in for the morning so that i wasn't leaving anybody in the crap! I already knew we wouldn't be getting the keys until the afternoon. I said hello to everyone at work and they were all really excited for me! At about 11am Diane the Solicitor called me to tell me that she was waiting for our money to be transfered over and that when she received it, she would pass it straight over to the seller's solicitor. I was very excited but also nervous as i thought something might go wrong!
Kieron had taken the day off, he was hiring a transit van for the move and my brother was going to help him - hahaha.
12.30pm arrived and i started to make my way home. I rang mum to tell her i had finished for the day and that she would me meet as usual at my nans to pick me up! On the bus home, Diane called me to say that the money had just arrived and that it would take about an hour for the Seller's solicitor to recieve it - i was getting even more excited and even more nervous!
I got home to be greeted by my nan & grandad who had bought up a little prezzie for me & kieron for the flat. It was a big box full of little things (mainly for the kitchen!). There were oven gloves, washing up liquid, kitchen roll, loo roll, dishcloths, dusters and other little things. They also gave me a little sandwich maker and 4 tumbler glasses.
As they were leaving, my phone rang, i quickly looked at the time, it was 2.30pm!!! I answered my phone and it was Emma at the estate agents "You can collect your keys at 3!"
I was so excited! I quickly dashed to the kitchen grabbed my car keys and shot down to Kieron's. I told him we could pick the keys up at 3 and he was excited too. Kieron and Gaz had already put the first load into the van, mainly consisting of Kie's small items, like lamps and computer etc. We dashed off to Kings Norton Green, to the estate agents. We were only there for 2 mins, all i had to do was sign to say i had collected them and off we went!
With Gareths help the 1st load only took half an hour, and we were quickly heading off to mums house to collect my furniture. My mum followed us back to the flat in her car, 'cos she wanted to be nosy and see what the flat was like!
Again with Gareths help, it wasnt long before the flat was turning into our home. Me mum started to unpack the small things (again for some reason mainly the kitchen stuff!) Before long, everything was taking shape and mum had bought a bottle of wine with her to have a little celebration (thankfully the wine bottle was a screw top!). Kieron and Gareth decided to leave the wardrobes and the sofa for Wednesday, as they were both tired from all the lifting. So Kieron set about putting the bed up so that we had somewhere to sleep.
Mum and Gaz left, and me and Kie decided to call it a night and we would start again tomorrow!!
Wednesday 3rd January - Our 1st proper day in the flat, i had to get up and go to the Alexander Hospital to have some moles checked out. So whilst i was gone Kieron got Gaz to quickly help move the sofas and wardrobes in.
About 10.30am, i was leaving the hospital all checked and okey'd, when kie rang me and said that he and gaz had finished. As i got back to mums house i loaded my fiesta with my clothes, said goodbye to mum and i set off.
We had to take the van back (which was simple) and then onward bound we went to Tesco in Shirley - we were about to commence on our first shop!!!
We decided we would go upstairs to the home section and then back down to do the food shopping. It was so funny, me and kie dashing down the aisles grabbing a wash basket and a mop (yes we did get some strange looks!) After filling two trolleys with 'Home' stuff, we decided to go and pay for it all and then come back to do the food bit. My car was quickly filled, and we were worried we weren't going to get the other shopping in.
After spending a good 2 hours in and out of aisles and freezers, we were done - we had conquered Tesco!!!! Everything was soon quickly packed and paid for, and with Kieron's strange ability to fit so much into a little car we were off home.
Back at the flat, we started to unpack the shopping, which i decided i was going to sort out, whilst Kieron started manoeuvring furniture and sorting out the bedroom. It was approaching 6pm and we were settled!
We were very proud of ourselves, and had our first meal in the flat - Pizza & Chips!!! Lovely!
Saturday 6th January - It was going to be another busy day! Telewest were coming to fit up the broadband internet, we had a guy coming to see about our Aerial as we were getting no signal! Mum, Gaz, Nan & Grandad and Nanny Evans were coming up to have a look at the flat, Becky & Stuart and Steve & Natalie were coming in the evening and between all this me and Kie had to get a coffee table, a computer desk, beanbags, rug, clock and other little bits!
We got up at 8.30 and were about to head out the door and Telewest arrived to set the internet up. It only took 30mins, the aerial chap was coming around 3ish so we knew we were safe to leave the flat for a bit. We headed off to Kings Heath and Kie started to look at the furniture, it wasn't long before those little tickets were filled and we were waiting patiently for a little magical elf to bring us our prize!!
With the the flat packs being set up by Kie, i set about tidying up the kitchen for our visiotrs to arrive - hehehe! Soon the flat was filled with my family and i showed all round. They couldn't believe how big the place was and they were all very happy for us!
Grandad had bought a bottle of red to open and Nan. E had bought me some little wine glasses (lucky!!)
Everyone started to filter off home about 5ish, me and Kie quickly had something to eat before Steve & Stu came round.
Stu & Becky came round and the drinks were poured. We were all having a chat and a laugh, music was playing and everyone was enjoying themselves, Steve & Nat were runnign abit late, but they were soon to come through the door.
We were soon playing 'Atmosphere' and having a great a great time. Everyone left about 1.30am, and i was knackered!!!
Sunday 7th January - Me and Kie decided we would take a small trip into town, just to have a nose at the Sales. I had some vouchers left from my birthday which i took along in anticipation. Kie decided he wanted to buy a cheap RPG game either for his 360 or PS2, it wasn't long before i was dragged off into all the game shops, but he settled for 'Dirge of Cerberus' Final Fantasy 7 add-on, the main character is Vincent Valentine (for anyone who knows about Final Fantasy!), he also bought 'Muse' new album which is very cool. I bought myself some DKNY perfume which smells like apples!!! and i saw some boots in M&S which i liked but didn't have my size.
We decided to go home, and Kie started on our first Sunday lunch, we had chicken, mashed potato, roast potatoes, sausage, peas, sweetcorn and plenty of gravy - it was delicious.
And there we have it readers, a complete update on ME!!!!
Hope you liked it (sorry if it was a bit long!!!)

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