Not Alot!!!
Hello there
Yes i am alive (just), and i know it's been 4 weeks since i last posted (although not that many of you care!) but to be honest i hadn't done, seen, been , anywhere, anything or anyone, but now that i have done something i can blog about it!!!!
I did have some news about a week ago, Kieron's mate Stuart and girlfriend Becky are having a baby, so good luck to them!!!
Now with my main blog... I will start last Thursday 24th May, well i had booked the Thursday and Friday off from work 'cos i decided i needed and deserved a long weekend (seen as though yesterday was Bank holiday Monday - again!). I got up in the morning had a shower and promptly waited for mum to pick me up. First i had to go to the Dentist, which was a journey in its self. We arrived only to be told that we would have to wait 10 -15 mins as they were running late. I hate waiting for Dentist appointments its always that uneasy, on edge wait. It's always quiet nad all you can hear is the sound of the dreaded machines anticpatingly waiting for their next victim!!!
I was shortly called in and i had the usual "8's good, 7, 6, 5 is good, 4".. etc etc , then my dentist decided that i deserved to be put in some agony!!! He used this mini hook thing which was made of thick wire which he then proceeded to rake my teeth out of my gums!! I'm still in pain now!!!
So after my wonderful dentist appointment, i was off to the hairdressers. I arrived and my hairdresser (Katrina) took one look at me and offered me some water as my gums were pouring with blood, no seriously i looked like Dracula after he'd just had lunch!!!
I was only in there for 30mins and i had a nice chat with Katrina, my hair looks good which was something to put my mind off my aching gums!!!
My mum was meeting up with a load of people she has met off a chatroom at Becketts on Saturday and she needed something new to wear., so we took a trip into Kings Heath. We looked in New Look, B-wise, Bon Marché and Evans and there wasn't really anything there that we liked. Mum was loosing her patience so i told her that if she wanted something really nice she would have to go into town. She was a bit reluctant at first, but we headed off anyway!
I took her to a couple of shops that are, hmmmm, a little up market! I took her to Principles, Oasis, where there were some lovely clothes, Warehouse but they didn't do her size and then finally Wallis where hit the jackpot! She bought a lovely cream camisole and a cream lace cardigan to go over it, it looked really good on her! So we left town and went back home for something to eat, i saw Gaz for abit when he came home from work but then i needed to go home to get the tea on for Kieron. Thursday evening Stuart came round for abit to play Command and Conquer 3 with Kieron, and that was about it!
So Friday, a little less quiet, Rosey and Dan came round as Dan wanted my speakers and my petrol tank from my car before it goes to the Scrap people. The speakers were no problem, but he started to have problems with the petrol tank. Firstly he forgot his spanners and secondly it started to rain. We went to my mums to borrow some spanners and we called into Sainsbury's to get some lunch. By which time the rain had stopped so we quickly had lunch and Dan carried on with the petrol tank. Although he ran out of time as Rosey was at work that afternoon so they called it a-day and said they would come back tomorrow morning to finish it off!!
All afternoon i sat and watched a bit of tv and tidied up the flat (as it was a bit of a disgrace!). That evening me and Kieron had a bottle of wine each and sat and watched tv.
Saturday morning me and Kieron were up bright and early as we were going over to Car Craft in Wednesbury. We had decided that we wanted a newer car and we had seen a new Ford Fiesta they had got. 1.4 Zetec, 3dr Fiesta '03 plate and only 35000 miles on the clock. After being slightly delayed on the M6 ('cos of the bank holiday traffic and they had road works!!) we arrived and were greeted a friendly chap who told us to go and see Chris at the far end of the showroom.
We soon found him and we went to look at the car, which wasn't parked where it was supposed to be, so we went round the corner to the valleting section and there were no signs of it there, hmm, so Chris told us to wait at his desk in the showroom while he found what was going on. He soon came back to tell us that the car had a slight sratch under the headlight and it had been sent to a company down the road to get it professionally done and re-sprayed. He said that they did have a simialr model there which we could look at to get an idea and it was very nice!!
So we decided to put a small deposit down (on the Fiesta that was missing) to secure the car so we can go next Saturday to have a test drive in it and if we don't like it we get our deposit back!! So i'm very excited about going to have a test drive!!
We came back home and Rosey and Dan were there trying to get my petrol tank out. Kieron gave Dan a few extra tools to make it easier and within 30 mins it was out, drained, cleaned and put into the back of Rosey's car.
After they had gone we had a fairly peaceful afternoon, Kieron was playing Command and Conquer 3 and i was doing some sudoku (don't laugh!), until Kieron decided to scream at the TV. I looked at the TV and his game had crashed, so he re-loaded but it crashed. So he tried getting onto the main dashboard and even that crashed - not good news. If you have an X-box 360 you'll probably no what i'm talking about but basically 360's have a tendancy to go wrong/faulty after a few months. So we think Kieron's has failed, as we have had this problem before. Luckily it's in it's warranty period so he can get it replaced, so he will be on his third one when he gets it!!!!!!!!
Saturday night we decided to get a takeaway - we opted for an indian! We also popped by Kieron's mum and dad's to borrow some dvd's. He had a copy of Shrek 3 so we watched that (haha to all of you that have to wait till June!!).
Sunday we went shopping etc etc and then lat afternoon Kieron decided he wanted to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3. So we made our way to Rubry for the 6.15 showing, we got there but it was sold out, so we decided to take a trip to Touchwood, we got there for the 7.15 showing and that one was sold out!!!!
So there was no choice but to go to AMC in Birmingham, the next showing was 7.30pm and it 6.50pm!! We ran back to Kie's van and he drove furiosuly to town, parked up and ran to the cinema and we were in luck, they were showing it on about 5 screens!!! It was really good and i though Keith Richards did a fab job!!!
So Bank Holiday Monday, and it was a miserable day (as usual!) we didn't really want to do alot seen as though we had had a busy few days, kieron was on his PC and i was watching the cheesy day-time tv crap they always put on.
Soon enough it was lunchtime and i had a phone call from Gareth asking if Kioern wanted to have a go on the Halo 3 Beta (which of course he did!!) So Gaz came round about 2pm and we played Halo on Gaz's 360. It wasn't long though before we were all feeling hungery and decided to venture down the road to The Packhorse. Gareth and Kieron both had steak, and i had BBQ ribs and chicken. The food was good and we had fun chatting away about random crap!!!!
A little bit later we told Gaz to invite some of his mates round (as they didn't know what to do and they wanted a cheap night!). So about 9pm Carl and John arrived. We sat playing a bit more Halo 3 but it wasn't long until we had my Wii on. We played some multi-player games and they were hilarious!!!!
But it was getting late and me and Kieron had to get up for work the next morning so we booted them out at midnight!!!
So it was back to work and here i am typing this in my lunch break, so i have filled you lot in and i will leave it there for now!