The Day The Music Died
Hello Hello
Yes i know i'm late (again) with posting a blog for you but hey life isn't as exciting as my fellow bloggers, so on with the blog...
I will start last Friday evening, Kieron had invited his mate Jim round as he hadn't seen him for ages as he's been living with his girlfriend in Cardiff, so he went to pick Jim up and the engine light came on, he wasn't happy! So when he got home he told me about the engine light!
So bright and early Saturday morning i rang Bristol Street Motors in Moseley to book us in for a diagnostic check, we were booked for Tuesday morning! Excellent
So that afternoon me and Rosey went into Town so that i could get a dress for Emily's 21st birthday and also so that Rosey could find some shoes to match her dress.
I was going to drive in but didn't want to risk it with the engine light on the car, so we decided to get the train from Widney Manor (where Dan kindly dropped us off!). We got off at Moor Street and we were feeling a bit peckish so headed over to Subway, the queue was outside the door and just at that moment it started to rain - brilliant! Luckliy the queue moved fairly quickly and it wasn't long before we got served.
Once we got our food we headed for Bullring, now Rosey has never been shopping in Bullring before (apart from once when i took her to see my friend at Starbucks but that was really just inside the door and therefore doesn't count!). It was a bit busy in Bullring but we managed to get around, we went everywhere, Oasis, Wallis, Warehouse, West One, Jones, Dune, Next, Topshop, New Look, Quiz, Logo all to no avail! Logo did have a nice dress which i liked but it had bits of blue in it!
Now piece of info for you - Emily (Birthday Girl) had her dress made and and the material was blue! Now we didn't want rain on Emily's parade and we therefore decided (and was actually also told) not to wear blue.
So i decided to leave the dress in Logo as i didn't want to upset Emily. We walked through Bullring into the pallisades to go to Select, to see if they had anything and guess what....
...they didn't!
By this time i was feeling a little deflatted, all i wanted was a simple, light summer dress so we walked out of Select and then....................
......there it was! Looking straight at me! It was a shop called Venue in Pallisades, just a little clothes shop, no big brand names or anything, i ran straight for it! It was a simple dress (just like i asked for) black with white flowers all over and tiny little sleeves! And for a bargain at £18! I was really chuffed.
So our next mission was to find Rosey some shoes, we went to Faith and Clarkes both had reasonable shoes that Rosey liked but they either had too large of a heel for her or wrong colour! It was getting late and Rosey decided to leave it as she was going shopping with Lindsey and would have another look then!
It was late afternoon when we got back to Widney Manor and Rosey dropped me back home. Jim had come round the flat (again) so i decided to chill out on my organ!
Sunday was Father's Day, me and Gaz popped round Nan and Grandad's house to give him our prezzie, we had some apple pie and wine and had a chat. We didn't stay too long as i had to get back to do the shopping.
Later that evening we went down to Nanny E's as usual for some tea!
Now if you don't mind i will move onto Tuesday as not alot happened on Monday!!! So Tuesday i got up to go to work but the car needed to go into the garage, so i drove to Bristol Street Motors in Moseley, dropped my car off and got on the 50 bus in Moseley to get to work!
I was walking down to work when my phone rang, it was the garage. They had already discovered what was wrong with it and they were fixing it straight a way! I couldn't believe it, it had only been 20 mins since i had left the car!! The car has 3 years warranty so they just carried on and fixed it and sent the invoice to the warranty people (which was for £137 - Nice!)
So the car is running absolutley fine, which was good 'cos Wednesday evening me, Rosey and Dan were going over to Emily's. I picked up Rosey just gone 7.30 we zoomed over to Dan's and then headed over to Emily's. She wanted some baby photos put up at her 21st party and she needed our help (obviously we were going to pick the most embarrasing ones!!)
She had a massive box and loads of folders with photos and we had a great night trundling through them all! A lot of them bought back classic memories from college and we had a great laugh! Although it was getting rather late so we left about 10.30pm and i got back home just turned 11 which wasn't bad!
Nothing happened Thursday! So on with Friday, work was boring so that evening me and Kieron had a night in. I decided it was about time to update some songs on my ipod and also it needed charging!
So i plugged it into Kieron's PC and it started to charge (good times!) went to open itunes and it came up with an error message saying that Quicktime hadn't installed properly (bad times!). So i thought maybe it needs an update, so i downloaded the new Quicktime and it still wouldn't load, so i downloaded the new version of itunes and it still wouldn't open, by this point i was getting really annoyed so i deleted itunes entirely and reinstalled it AND IT STILL WOULDN'T OPEN!!!!! ARGHHH!
If you are reading this and you were considering getting an ipod, here's my advice - DON'T! You may be laughing but really DON'T! Don't even bother, don't even look at them, just keeping walking past tehm until you get to the Creative Zen's or Sony's or Samsung, just something that doesn't have this logo on it!!!!!
So i lost my temper and unplugged my ipod from the computer and then it wouldn't turn on!

So i decided i had had enough and was going to spend my money on something much much more worth while!
Saturday morning i got up and my and Kieron went over to PC World in Shirley, we found the MP3 section and were looking at all the different variaties (excluding the ipods!!!) as we were looking some ASBO looking freak came trundling over and asked if we needed any help, Kieron asked him about the Sony Walkman range and asked for the details etc etc to which this ASBO freak replied
ASBO" Ahhh rite if it's an MP3 you want you want one of d'ese" (pointing to the range of ipods!)
K: "No mate we've just had an ipod, it's broke and i hate them, so what about the Sony's?"
ASBO: "Which one di' you 'ave?"
K: "The nano mark 1"
ASBO: "Ahhh rite, yea they're well rubbish, you'll want the original ipod - they're well betar!"
K: "No i don't want any kind of ipod"
ASBO: "So wot isit you are looking for"K: "The nano mark 1"
ASBO: "Ahhh rite, yea they're well rubbish, you'll want the original ipod - they're well betar!"
K: "No i don't want any kind of ipod"
K: "A sony walkman MP3 player"
ASBO "Oh *pause* they're there (points to them on the shelf"
And then he just walked away! But eventually we walked away (obviously buying it first) with a Sony Walkman NWA805 - much much much better, simplier and less strssful to use!
We then called in to mum's to see nan & grandad for a bit before we had to go home to get ready to go to Emily's party.
We arrived at Emily's party just gone 7pm and it wasn't long before the disco was underway and everbody started to arrive. Our group sat at one (and quite small) table right next to the stage and dancefloor.
Her brother Niall and some of his friends had come wearing hula skirts(with trousers underneath) and neck things. At one point they took their trousers off, however we were much too clever and Jim quickly locked the trousers in the girls toilets! (which i had to retrieve later by sliding under the toilet door!)
During the course of the evening Emily and Jim got up to say a few thank you's to people, obviously her mum & dad, Jean who made her dress, Jim's mum & dad (i think), her sister Aimee for helping out along with her brother Niall and then Rosey & Dan for helping out aswell. Now Rosey and Dan had been at Emily's since 11am that morning helping her get everything organised and also in the weeks before Rosey had taken Emily out to get things for her party. Now because i'm at work from 9-5.30 i didn't help out ,which was totally fine, Rosey is very good at organising so i knew she would have most stuff in control and plus which i thought if istarted interferring all i was going to do was probably get in the way! So there was Emily giving Rosey and Dan they're little prezzie's and cards and then she said "Next we have Sel!"
WHAT?!?!??! ME?!??! I didn't do anything! I was really chuffed that she thought of me but i really didn't do anything! I got up and collected my card and jim handed me a bottle of wine nad i sat down, Emily then explained that i had helped out doing the photo's! Yeah but anyone can look through a pile of photo's! I was very very grateful to both of them, and i'm still a little shocked! The evening went really well and just to top off the evening Jim and Emily announced they were engaged!!!
Me and Kieron left about 11pm and i went straight to bed when i got home!
Well i think i will leave it there for now guys!
See ya next time!