sel's spot
Yippee-De-Do-Dah Yippee-De-Day
My oh my what a wonderful day (not)!No bloggers, my weekend wasn't brill, it wasn't boring, instead it was filled with a wonderful Migraine and a lovely Wisdom Tooth!!! Saturday started really well, I went to town (Birmingham) with Gareth (my brother) and my mum so I could get my new ski gear. Ah yes, I am a skier, I go every year at easter with my brother and my dad. We usually get a group of us going and this year should be good 'cos there's about 10 of us going *gives the thumbs up*. Anyway so I went shopping, now for those of you who don't ski won't know that ski gear can be really expensive, I mean you can pay (like my dad's mate Steve) hundreds and thousands of pounds on just a jacket! But no, I got my jacket, trousers (saloplettes) and gloves for £50 (top bargain).My brother saw a jacket he liked but he could get the same one cheaper on the internet, so that's what he did (which was delivered yesterday!)So after town, we came home where we were greeted by Kieron, he brought his Xbox so Gareth could have. That was about it really until Gareth had to go to work (he works at our local legion part time, but he's a teaching assistant full-time) so me and Kieron were invited out to have a drink with one of Kieron's mates but he couldn't make it after-all so we stayed in.Sunday I woke up, with my Wisdom tooth trying to come through it was catching my gums so it was very sore! Nan & Grandad came up for Sunday dinner as it was Mothers Day (I hope you all didn't forget!) I bought mum some Lacoste Perfume and Gareth bought her The Beatles White Album on CD. Later that afternoon, my head felt a bit funny and on started my Migraine, it started slowly but when I was at my Dads for Mothers Day dinner #2 it got worse.So then Monday I didn't feel well enough to go to work so I had a day-off to try and get rid of it, I was in work yesterday and just felt a bit dizzy but finally (thank god) i am my 100% self again (yay)Im going round Kieron's tonight, where i shall indulge in a Cadbury's Mini egg McFlurry from Maccy D's (try one - they're yummy!) and that's about it. So i will leave you my fellow bloggers.Laters x
If I had a brain, I would be dangerous!!!
Well bloggers, another day, another dawn (or whatever it is!)Well after leaving you all yesterday, in my lunch hour, with my 'what-to-do this evening?' scenario, I developed a wonderful and marvellous migraine (yes you should feel sorry for me1). Yes, it was the best one yet. So I didn't meet up with Rosey and Emily, because my head hurt and i wasn't going to go round Kierons either. However, Kieron rang me to see how i was and i told him bout my head blah blah blah and he convinced me to go round 'cos he wanted to see me (awww bless!) so i did, my head was slightly better but not by much. Anyway i arrive and Stuart wasn't there but I knew he would be soon. After about half and hour, Stuart arrived and he started playing on Kierons Xbox 360. I felt a little crappy a this piont because I wanted to join in, i'm not allowed to play a co-op game with kieron and even if i asked, i still wouldn't get a go. But anyway, i didn't care from then on because i cuddled up in Kierons bed and fell asleep.So basically in summary: I didn't see i friends, I didn't see Kieron, but i did get rid of my migraine :)So well then, tonight we are goin round to Kierons mates house Steve and Natalies. Yes i know it's another night in a row for gaming but me an Natalie get on really well so i sit with her and have a girlie chat.well that's it for now bloggers, only 3 hours and 15mins before i finish work - Yippeee!See you all laters xxxxx
Bored, bored, bored.
Yes you've guessed it peeps ...Sel is bored! I'm on my lunch break at the moment, just had cheese on toast. Now I bet you're wondering you do you have cheese on toast at work. Well i'll tell you...... basically you toast your bread at home before you leave for work, and cut some slices of cheese so it covers the bread. then go to work, do what ever it is you do till lunch, then put the put the toast on a plate and the slicces of cheese and put in the mocrowave for about 2mins. *smiles at ones self* It isn't as nice as doing it under the grill but its the best i can do and plus which i haven't got any Worcester sauce to throw on it either but my tummy is satisfied. :)Well i haven't been doing very much this morning at work, apart from answering the three phone call. But that was it!! So now you know why i'm bored!I'm also in a bit of a pickle...which maybe someone could throw some light on for me. You see normally Kieron comes to mine on Thursdays but not tonight, and i will explain why.He bought an Xbox 360 on Monday and last night his best friend Stuart was going to go round his to have a go on it. However Stuart couldn't make it, so i went round. Kieron forgot tho and told Stuart to come round tonight instead.But i actually like playing computer games, i really do,(even tho i'm not that good). But when Stuart comes round i'm just ignored and they don't let me have a go, so i thought i would meet up with my mates Emily and Rosey instead. But if Stuart can't make it again tonight , i can go round Kierons and plus my mates might not be able to make anyway.But if my friends can't make it and Stuart does go round then i'm still going to be really bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What do i do????? *sulks*Oh well hopeflly someone, somewhere has an answer. Well i'm off again for now. Speak to you all latersLove a very bored Sel xxxP.S Warning! Melted Cheese is very very hot! (why is that?)
A good days work...
Ahh well a good honest days work. I'm a Secretary for an Architects (PD Architects), start at 9.00am and finish at 5.30pm but I don't actually get home till 6.30pm because i have to catch a bus (depressing or what!) I can drive i have a little 'M' reg. Fiesta and it's bright Red. I'll put a photo of it on here. I love it to pieces but i want an Audi A3, but that's changing the topic.So anyway, work was good, relaxing, nothing much to do, its a quiet period but will pick up soon. Going round to my boyfriends in abit (Kieron) he's just bought an Xbox 360. He wants a playstation 3 but thats not coming out till christmas and he caved in to the Xbox (laughs). Gonna give him a challenge at Ridge Racer 6, even tho he will beat me i still give him a race or two :) Well bloggers, i'm about to log, finish my wine, and head off. But if you want to keep on reading my brother has a greater blog spot: www.garethsbrain.blogspot.comReally funny.Anyways, see you soon xxx
A warm welcome
Well hello there fellow Bloggers. Here's a big hug and freindly hand shake to you all.I actually had a blog spot before but I haven't used it in ages, and I can't get back into it :(. So i decided to start a fresh.What a weird world this is, talking about the events of the day to people I don't know, but who cares, we are all Bloggers anyway :).Well hope to catch you all laters.Off for now!.Love Selly
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