HELLO TO YOU ALL!!!My, my, what a long time it has been since i last blogged. Well to be honest that's down the to the fact that I haven't actually been doing very much! The last few weeks it's been:Work, Kieron, Sleep, Work, Kieron, Sleep, Work, Kieron, Sleep,Work, Kieron, Sleep, Work, Kieron, Sleep, Pub, Sleep, Work......(i think you've got the picture!)Anywho, but i'm back on track and last night was a great one! Kieron went away yesterday, for a couple of days with his mates, he comes back tomorrow (Friday) but anyway i thought "0oh, this will give me a chance to catch up with my girlies".So that's what i did. I'm meeting up with them tonight as well but will blog all about it on Friday!We decided to go on a random drive, now in all fairness it's more random to you then it is us. This was our favourite pastime back at college (when Rosey passed her test!). We would just drive all over the place, visiting people and different places and it was always soooo much fun!And so was last night, i haven't laughed like that in ages. the best girlie chat ever! A couple of days ago i bought myself a digital camera because 1) me and gaz bought mum one when she was 50, and 2) i haven't got a camera, not even one that uses film (i know - shocking!). So i bought one and i took it with me last night (piccys will follow at the bottom)To make the journey even more funny, i made a rough plan and a schedule of what, where and who's:Items NeededMe, Rosey, Emily, Phones, Camera, Money and Ipod ('cos i can plug it in rosey's radio using a link thing!)Plan of Action19.30 - Rosey picks up Sel20.00 - Pick up Emily20.10 - Tour begins20.30 - Drive by of Dan's house20.36 - Head towards NEC/Aiport20.54 - Arrive at NEC/Airport21.06 - Go on link between station & Airport21.28 - Go towards nearest Maccy D's21.42 - Arrive at Maccy's - For McFlurry's or Drinks (Note - must go in Drive - Thru)21.58 - Leave Maccy's and towards "posh" area to drool over big houses.To be honest the plan was actually quite useful, altho we didn't stick to the times as we left mine 5 mins late, left Emily's 10 mins late and stopped at Dan's for a good half-hour. But we still had loads of fun.We also left Maccy's with Milkshakes (sugar rush!) and headed towards Studley, where ther is a lovely little Wedding shop that we like to look at 'cos of the Pretty dresses - and from therafter we were planning our Weddings (altho i was planning Emily's and Rosey's aswell!)It's so nice to let your hair down once in a while, and that's exactly what we did. Emily was a little sad 'cos Jim (her boyfriend) was in Stafford doing some training and Rosey had a few things on her mind which she needed to forget for a bit. But all in all it was a great laugh and we will deffiantely do it again!
Here are the photos:

The beginning of the tour, with Mummy Jayne (Emily's mum!) trying to send a text message!

Aha...Here's a friendly face, Mummy Jayne's friend Claire. Our first time meeting her this evening, and i think we made a good impression!

So, here's Rosey on the phone to Dan ready to do the drive by (although we actually stayed for ambout half hour while Dan was getting Emily's Christmas prezzie from Jen)

So, here's dan's house (AHA we know where you live!)

So from Dan's we went towards the NEC/Airport. Now for those who arent from Birmingham won't know that there is a small Monorail which links the NEC train station to the Airport. This small 2 minute is also free so we decided to board it! And here's rosey (after having a sugar rush from a lollipop which Emily provided) pretending to be a pole dancer - Go Rosey Go!

Not a brill photo i know but this was the sign telling us how long the monorail would be (Emily & Rosey are standing under it!)

"Every night in my dreams, i see you, i feel you, that is how i know you, go on *panpipes* Far across the distance and spaces between us, you have come to show you go on. Near, far, where ever you are *shoots cd player* Shut up Celine, it's not Jack & Rose, it's Emily and Rosey flying on the NEC express back towards the station.
Well i'm afraid that's it folks unitl next time TTFN!