Saturday Night Fever!
Hello again my bloggers
I'm quite impressed with myself as I have been keeping my blogspot well informed recently! (not that anyone really reads it apart me - but i don't care!)
Anyway, last week went flying by I could hardly keep up. Monday evening, i din't feel too well and had to take Tuesday and Wednesday off work. I think i picked up a stomach bug, but i am much better now!!!
Recently, me, Gareth and Kieron have been discussing the Transformers live action movie which will be released next year. Gareth and Kieron are avid fans and we have been looking at photos that have been released to show us what the Transformers will look like in their film!!!
Well this has started Kieron off on a frenzy of Transformers - everynight he sits starring at his computer screen on ebay trying to buy new Transformers to add to his collection. He's bought a couple which he is waiting to be delivered.
On saturday Kieron woke up bright and early to get his Transformers down from the loft, so with my help we had 4 massive bins in Kieorns room full of toys he had from a kid, we had no idea which bin had transformers in and decided to take a bin each and started to unload the toys one by one. Eventually I came across a pistol, gun thing and when i showed it Kieron, a little boyish smile appeared on his face - I had found Megatron!!!
Suddenly we started to find all of them and started to place them in a basket which Kieron had bought especially for his transformers! We tidied the rest of the toys away and shoved them back in loft. Kieron wants to put them in a display cabinet when we get our flat, where the cabinet is going i don't know but i'm sure i will find out!!!
About 9.00pm mum dropped me, Gaz and Kieron up town in the Arcadian Centre as it was Stuart's 25th birthday. We stayed in Poppy Red for half of the evening so everybody could meet up. Gareth got to meet some of Kieron's friends like Alex (who is hysterical), Jim and Matt. We were all having a good time but decided to head off somewhere else. We crossed the road and piled into the Arca bar which i had never been to. The drinks kept coming and the dancing started. It was quite busy in there to begin with and it was really cramped but eventually it died down and we had a great night!
I didn't really do much on Sunday, i went with mum to Notcutts to look at the Christmas displays they put on. It was ok, and mum started getting ideas for lights and decorations. Gareth had gone to the NEC with dad to see Jeremy Clarkson's MPH show. He said it was very good and he's got some great piccys. I went round nans in the evening for my tea, and went to bed when i got home!
Next week will be getting really exciting as i will start getting ready for my 21st birthday!!!
See yers soon x