I Don't Want To Be A Huffle-Puff!
Hello there, time for my weekly blog and all starts (as usual) last Monday.
Work was a bit hectic, Dave Aspinall was now away on holiday for 3 weeks so that will be causing us some problems in the near future.
I spent my day doing some filling and general running around for everybody. I was a little fed-up by the end of the day because there had been a few problems due to lack of proper functioning machinery and i had taken some grief for it which i wasn't too happy about.
When i got home Kieron was watching some tv and suggested getting a takeaway as he had had a busy day aswell and didn't really fancy cooking.
So we went down to the chinese and got our food, came back and decided to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. After that we watched skins and then went to bed.
Tuesday was another fairly busy day at work, i was mainly upstairs with the lads as i was printing off and copying drawings for them.
In my lunch hour i decided to take a walk into town as i decided that i wanted to read book 6 of Harry Potter (the Half Blood Prince). You see when the films started coming out i really enjoyed them and had never read any of the books, so my dear friend Rosey lent me the first couple.
When i got home, i suddenly remembered that i still had book 4 (Goblet of Fire) of Harry Potter and i decided that i wanted to read them in order, so i started to read that instead. After reading the first chapter i noticed that Kieron was also reading a book so i looked up and there he was reading book 6 which i had just bought.
So we spent the evening reading and if you have never read a Harry Potter book than i strongly suggest you do because they are really good books. Also some of the things that happen in the films aren't necessarily what J.K. Rowling originally wrote.
Wednesday work had suddenly gone quiet so i was trying to find things to do for most of the day. In the afternoon Harley came in to see if he could get the scanner up and running but still couldn't.
When i got home Kieron was doing tea so i did some washing up. We both then carried on reading before we went to bed.
Thursday work was still quiet although i had to start some planning applications. Even though it was quiet the day flew by fairly quickly.
I walked to the 50 bus stop and saw that the 50 that was waiting was a brand new bus! They are red and white on the outside and on the inside they're blue. They feel more like a coach than a bus but they're very nice.
I got home and told Kieron about the new buses and he seemed very unimpressed by the news (although he doesn't have to get a bus to work everyday!).
Friday ahh at last Friday was once again upon us. My day at work was very uneventful and dull although there wasn't many people in the office (which was good!).
That evening i met up with Emily, Jim and Rosey as i haven't seen them for ages. Rosey picked up at 8pm and we set off for the Reservoir, where Emily and Jim were already there!
We all had a nice chat and a catch up, around 10pm Dan arrived, he had been at Scouts and decided to come and join us.
We stayed there about another hour, before heading off home. Dan showed me the new Mondeo, they're very nice they have a 'start' button which for some reason i find very exciting!
When i got home Kieron had also arrived back as he had been to Steve's. We got in and went straight to bed.
Saturday i got up and put our new nets up in the bedroom. I then did some tidying up before going to see mum, nan and grandad.
We had the ususal glass of wine and sat around having a chat and setting the world to right. Nan and Grandad left about 4pm, and me, mum and Gareth decided to go and have a look at carpets. Mum's living room carpet is really old and she had saved for something better. So we dived into my car and set off to Kidderminster Crpets (which is in rubry).
We had a look round and took the piss out of the nasty looking ones until mum found one that she and Gareth liked. She called one of salesmen over (by shouting Coo-eey at the top of her voice - highly embarassing) and got the price. She liked it and paid for it so it should be coming within the next week.
I dropped them both back home and went back to the flat to find Kieron fast asleep on the sofa. So i prodded him to wake him up as we were going to Steve and Natalie's.
When we got there we were all feeling hungry so we went and got a K.F.C. Came back and scoffed it all and then sat down and watched Knocked Up. After the film it was getting late so me and Kieron went home.
Sunday we got up and decided to get the shopping out of the way. When we got back we had some lunch and then Kieron went round to his mates (Jim) house as he had recently come back from Wales.
Whilst Kieron was out i caught up on Eastenders and carried on reading my book. When Kieron came back we looked at the cinema times for Jumper and there was one in 30 minutes so we got shoes on and over to Rubry (again).
The film is ok, they could have done it alot better. Its about this lad who can jump through to different locations and placed whenever he wants but there is actually a war on between the jumpers and people who try and stop them called Paladins. This isn't very explained in the film and this is whre they could have made it alot mre interesting - but it was something to do.
When we got home Kieron watched some Dragonball Z episodes whilst copying some for Gareth adn i carried on reading my book.
A bit later i went down to nans as usual for some tea and to be delighted to find my little cousin Rachel was there. She was doing some drawings of Easter Chicks to send to people and my brother helped her out.
And that's it really so cheerio!